Peer Review Process

This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.

Peer review is a well-established scholarly practice in which your manuscript is analyzed by a panel of experts in your field, who deliver input on how the manuscript can be improved – or decide if it’s ready to be published as is. To make sure every aspect of your manuscript is put to careful scrutiny, we assign it to multiple reviewers who each provide their individual view on the paper. 

The author is advised to make the revisions recommended by peer reviewers and then to resubmit the manuscript. Upon resubmission, the manuscript is again reviewed by peer reviewers. This process is repeated until the journal’s editorial board deems the manuscript ready for publishing. 

Academic Science Journal makes integrity a priority, and we do everything possible to make sure no substandard work is ever published. The peer review process is iterative and is a true partnership on paper between our authors and our reviewers and board members.

By submitting articles to Academic Science Journal the author attests the following:
  • None of the part of manuscript is plagiarized from other sources
  • Proper reference is provided for all contents extracted from other sources
  • Strong action will be taken against cases of plagiarism
All the papers submitted have to pass through an initial screening and will be checked through the Advanced Plagiarism Dectection Software (CrossCheck by iThenticate)

Peer Review Process by Academic Science Journal