Review on Nanomaterial (Nms): Classification, Synthesis by Biological Methods, Sources of Toxic Nps and Health Effects, Toxicity, and Regulations


  • Intessar K. Abd
  • Ahlam K. Abd



The recent past in the technological development evidenced has evolution in Nanotechnology
and nanoscience is the key factor. Nanomaterials (NMs) have gained prominence in
technological advancements due to their tunable physical, chemical and biological properties
with enhanced performance over their bulk counterparts. NMs are categorized depending on
their size, composition, shape, and origin. Due to increased production of NMs and their
industrial applications, issues relating to toxicity are inevitable. The review presents an
overview of the definitions for the scientific terms and classifications of NMs and gives an
overview of the various sources of NPs (nanoparticles) and NMs, natural to synthetic, and their
sources of toxic. Additionally, naturally produced nanomaterials with nano-organisms, the
health effects and toxicity of nanomaterials were reviewed.


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How to Cite

Review on Nanomaterial (Nms): Classification, Synthesis by Biological Methods, Sources of Toxic Nps and Health Effects, Toxicity, and Regulations. (2023). Academic Science Journal, 1(4), 281-300.