Prevalence of HAV IgM marker of Hepatitis A virus among patients of all Ages in Diyala province/Iraq


  • Noor Qasim Rashid
  • Ansam Dawod Salman



The most prevalent viral infection that causes hepatitis is hepatitis A virus (HAV), which continues to be a worldwide health issue for both developed and underdeveloped nations. By calculating the rate of HAV IgM positive, the current study sought to determine the prevalence of HAV infections among patients in the province of Diyala. In the present study, a total of 180 blood specimens were collected from patients, who referred to diagnostic individuals in Diyala Province, Iraq from October /2022 till Agust 2023. The presence of HAV in the specimens was investigated using ELISA technique. The results of the current study revealed that the overall positivity rate of HAV IgM was 13.3%.  HAV IgM positivity was higher among 1-2 years old group.  While, it was insignificantly higher among females compared to males (54.2%). Furthermore, HAV IgM positivity rate was insignificantly higher among Rurales compared to urbans (58.3%, 41.7%). Additionally the results showed that HAV IgM positivity rate among those used unsterilized water (70.8%) was significantly higher than that sterilized water (29.2%). Moreover, the results found that those with un vaccinated with HAV vaccine had significantly higher (79.2%) HAV IgM positivity rate. The present study founded that it is important to increase our knowledge about the frequency of HAV infections among patients and early diagnosis of HAV infections is essential in community for infection control.


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How to Cite

Prevalence of HAV IgM marker of Hepatitis A virus among patients of all Ages in Diyala province/Iraq. (2024). Academic Science Journal, 2(2), 51-61.