Image Captioning Generator Using Deep Learning Models: An Abbreviated Survey
Image Caption, Deep Learning Models, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)Abstract
Captioning an image is the process of using a visual comprehension system with a model of
language, by which we can construct sentences that are meaningful and syntactically accurate.
These accurate phrases can explain the natural language (The seen content of the image). As a
relatively young field of study, it is gaining growing attention. To accomplish image caption,
semantic information about the images must be gathered and conveyed in natural language.
Computer vision and natural language processing are both used in the difficult task of image
captioning. That issue has received a lot of proposals for solutions. An abbreviated survey of
image captioning studies is given in this paper. We concentrate our efforts on neural networkbased
approaches that deliver current outcomes. Neural network-based techniques are broken
down into subcategories in accordance with the implementation architecture. The most recent
methodologies are then compared to normative data sets. Methods based on neural networks
are classified into subcategories according to the framework being used.
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