The Effect of Azotobacter, Mycrorrhizae and Humic Acid on the Vegetative Traits of vigna radiata l.


  • Abeer Fadel Alwan Al-Shammari
  • Najm Abdullah Juma Al-Zubaidi



azotobacter, mycorrhiza, humic acid, Vigna radiata, biofertilization, organic fertilization.


A study was conducted in the summer season of 2022 in the village of Aday in Baquba District - Diyala Governorate on the mung plant Vigna radaita L. (a local green variety) in clay soil ,in order to study the effect of bio-fertilization with Azotobacter chroococcum and the Mycorhiza fungi (Glomus mosseae ) and organic fertilization using humic acid on the vegetative characteristics of the mung bean (V. radaita L.).  The Experiment were carried out according to the randomized complete block design (R.C.B.D) with three replications using two fertilization, the first was biological fertilization, which included four treatments, namely (without addition, the addition of Azotobacter, the addition of Mycorrhizae, and the addition of Azotobacter + Mycorrhizae) and the second was organic fertilization, which included four concentrations of humic acid 0, 3, 6 and 9 gm.l-1 the result findings were:The treatment of biofertilization by adding Azotobacter and Mycorrhizae in all the studied characteristics of plant height, root length, number of branches, leaf area of the vegetative total reached76.87 cm , 43.01 cm,15  branch.plants-1 , 660.77 cm2 . The treatment of organic fertilization with humic acid at a concentration of 9 gm.l-1 was superior giving it the highest mean of plant height, root length, number of branches, leaf area of the vegetative total.77.6cm, 16cm, 15.39branch.plant- 1 , 660.83 cm.


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How to Cite

Abeer Fadel Alwan Al-Shammari, & Najm Abdullah Juma Al-Zubaidi. (2024). The Effect of Azotobacter, Mycrorrhizae and Humic Acid on the Vegetative Traits of vigna radiata l. Academic Science Journal, 2(3), 79–92.


