Effect of Soaking with Antioxidants on Seedling Growth sorghum biocolor l. Under Different Salinity Conditions


  • Lekaa Taher Kamel
  • Wissam Malik Daoud




antioxidants, ascorbic acid, proline, vitamin-E, NaCl, white corn .


The current study was carried out in the laboratories of the Department of Life Sciences - College of Education for Pure Sciences / University of Diyala from the period (20-2-2023) until (10-4-2023). The study included cultivation in plastic pots 5kg mastic in sandy soil with the aim of studying the effectiveness of soaking with antioxidants and its effect on reducing salt stress on the growth characteristics of the white corn plant (Sorghum biocolor L.) Which is known as sorghum and belong to poaceae. A factorial experiment was carried out with three treatments according to a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The first factor was soaking with ascorbic acid at a concentration of 150 mg.L.-1 , the second factor with vitamin-E, and the third factor with proline  at a concentration of 150 mg.L -1(where the materials were purchased from the AL-Shamoua office chemical supplies located in Baghdad), And irrigation with saline concentrations included, 2, 4, 6, and 8 of  sodium chloride  NaCl (g.L-1) solution, the results showed no significant effect of these treatments on average plant height, flag leaf area, and wet weight of the rootstock, and the results showed a significant superiority when irrigating with saline concentrations of 2NaCl . The average plant height and flag leaf area were 13.11 cm, and 4.5556 cm2 respectively, the results showed that the between the soaking materials and the irrigation water salinity concentrations had a significant effect on all growth  traits, as it gave the highest average of the physiological response with the vitamin-E soaking treatment, which reached 14.33 cm in the average plant height, and the irrigation water salinity concentration was  g.l-1 4NaCl ,And the highest average overlap with vitamin-E  was 5.6667 cm2 In the average area of ​​the flag leaf and the irrigation water salinity concentration is, And the highest average overlap with the treatment of soaking with vitamin-E was 0.4900 gm 2NaCl g.l-1  in the average fresh weight of the root system and the irrigation water salinity concentration was 4NaCl g.l.-.


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How to Cite

Lekaa Taher Kamel, & Wissam Malik Daoud. (2024). Effect of Soaking with Antioxidants on Seedling Growth sorghum biocolor l. Under Different Salinity Conditions . Academic Science Journal, 2(3), 119–129. https://doi.org/10.24237/ASJ.02.03.774B


