Activity Of Ciprofloxacin and Resveratrol On Expression Of AdeI J Genes In Clinical Acinetobacter baumannii Isolates

Activity Of Ciprofloxacin and Resveratrol On Expression Of AdeI J Genes In Clinical Acinetobacter baumannii Isolates


  • Muntaha A. Abdulkareem Department of Biology, College of Science, University of Diyala, Iraq
  • kareem Ibrahim Mubarak Department of Biology, College of Science, University of Diyala, Iraq



A . baumannii, AdeI J genes , Antibiotic , Efflux pump inhibitors


  1. baumannii considered one important pathogenic bacteria and responsible for several nosocomial and community infections for human and , possess  the ability to form biofilms , and  continued development of antibiotic resistance to drugs used to treat bacterial infections    . Current  study was performed ,during the period  from 1/9 /2022  to the end of December 30 /12 /2022 ,a total of  210  of blood specimens were collected in Baqubah Teaching Hospital /Iraq  to  investigate the prevalence of bacterial isolates among patients in Intensive Care Unit  (ICU)  , detect  antibiotic resistance  , biofilms formation ,  molecular detection of efflux pumps adeIJ  genes ,and activity of ciprofloxacin and resveratrol  on expression  of this two  genes.  The  results revealed that  that  the  percentage of  positive growth of  A. baumannii  which  isolates  from blood samples with  among ICU  patients were  12 % , presence of  highest  resistance of 25 isolates against fourteen types of antibiotics,   our finding showed significant differences before  and  after treatment of resistance isolates with   Resveratrol  with   a higher  reduction expression of AdeIJ  genes  in all isolates under study   were reach 0.59 and   0.28 respectively.


Author Biography

kareem Ibrahim Mubarak, Department of Biology, College of Science, University of Diyala, Iraq




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How to Cite

A. Abdulkareem, M., & kareem Ibrahim Mubarak. (2024). Activity Of Ciprofloxacin and Resveratrol On Expression Of AdeI J Genes In Clinical Acinetobacter baumannii Isolates : Activity Of Ciprofloxacin and Resveratrol On Expression Of AdeI J Genes In Clinical Acinetobacter baumannii Isolates . Academic Science Journal, 2(3), 139–160.


