Development of a Sensitive Spectrophotometric Determination of Methyldopa Drug
Methyldopa 4-amino pyridine, N-Bromo succinimide and Sodium hydroxideAbstract
A sensitive spectrophotometric approach for measuring methyldopa (MDP) in both its pure and pharmaceutical forms was recommended by the study. The suggested method relies on combining MDP with 4-aminopyridine with N- Bromosuccinimide and sodium hydroxide are present to produce a colorful product. The conditions were improved and factors affecting the reaction yield were investigated. By measuring its absorbance at 445 nm, the colored product was tracked spectrophotometrically. In the concentration ranges of 1.0 to 70.0 µg.mL-1, the plot was linear. The approach that was developed was effectively utilized in the process of determining the amount of MDP present in its pharmaceutical form.
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