Preparation ZnO nanoparticles with Different Concentration by Laser Ablation in Liquid and their use in anti bacterial activity
The study included the the process of creating zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO) using (PLAL) technology, Immersed in distilled water (DW) as an expanding media with an N.d: Yak. Laser, tuned by the quality factor (Q-Switched Laser Nd-YAG), wavelength used (1064nm), ablation energy (600 mj), repetition rate (1 Hz), and diameter The laser beam at the focal center (2 mm) of the objective, and the distance between the objective and the lens (8 cm). Using techniques like Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometry, field-emitting electron microscopy (FE-SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and UV-Vis spectroscopy, the optical and structural features were investigated. Then, the effectiveness test was studied. biological nanoparticles on a number of bacteria. The results of the field-emitting scanning electron microscope showed the study of the surface morphology of the samples prepared with distilled water medium (DW) to obtain average size diameters ranging from (80.29 - 35.62 nm) for (ZnONPs). The results of X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy showed the primary components and the chemical components in present in the ZnO nanoparticles. The outcomes of the IR spectroscopy of the Fourier transforms showed that the nanoparticles of zinc dioxide consist of pure functional groups with distinct positions and intensity of absorption bands, as it showed that the absorption appears for the beam nearby to the wave quantity ( 478.3463 cm-1) owing to the coupling shaking (Zn-O), and the appearance of The (H - O) beam's vibration has caused the absorption beam to be close to wave number ( 1660.71 cm-1). As for measuring the optical properties of zinc oxide nanoparticles measured using UV-vis spectroscopy. The results of UV-vis spectroscopy indicated a characteristic absorption peak at one wavelength (375- 380 nm) for zinc oxide nanoparticles that were prepared using distilled water medium (DW). In the biological application, the nanoparticles prepared from zinc oxide prepared with different laser standards (number of pulses, energy and frequency) were employed in the distilled water medium. They were used as antibodies against bacteria strains (S.epidemidis , P.aeruginosa , E.coil) Where it indicated the presence of inhibition of bacteria in the nanoparticles.
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