Microfacies Analysis and Diagenesis Processes of Tanuma Formation for Selected Wells at East Baghdad Oil Field in the Center of Iraq
Khasib Formation, East Baghdad oilfield, Microfacies, Diagenesis processes.Abstract
Khasib Formation was studied in East Baghdad oilfield, Al-Rashdiya area in Baghdad Governorate. The lithology of the formation is limestone throughout the whole sequence in all studied wells (EB-83, EB-87, EB-92, and B94). It is bounded conformably from the top with Tanuma Formation and lower contact with Kifl Formation. The petrographic study shows three main microfacies (lime mudstone, non-laminated peloidal pack-grainstone, and laminated peloidal grainstone) and two submicrofacies (homogeneous non-fossiliferous lime mudstone, bioclast lime mudstone) the study shows the abundance of non-skeletal agains skeletal grains. All microfacies indicate facies zone (7, 8, and 9A) which reflect the platform interior between the open marine to the restricted and evaporitic or brackish water depositional environment. Several diagenesis processes have been distinguished that affected the texture and porosity of Khasib Formation, the most important of which were dissolution, cementation, dolomitization, compaction, micritization, and the porosity of a non-fabric selective type.
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