A Review on Development Prospect of CMTS Based Thin Film Solar Cells
Quaternary chalcogenide, Quaternary, Synthesis techniques, Zinc buckle, Stannite structure, Kesterite structure, Cu2MgSnS4.Abstract
CMTS is a quaternary semiconductor similar to copper zinc tin sulfide (CZTS) which is nontoxic
and abundant on Earth and is a P-type light absorbent material which is suitable for thinfilm
solar cell fabrication and achieves better conversion efficiency of 0.78% , as well as having
a direct energy gap estimated at (1.76 eV) and a high optical absorption coefficient [20] (α≥ 104
cm-1). In this paper, the development cases of a Cu2MgSnS4 composite in the thin-film industry,
as well as its use in solar cell applications, are summarized. Illustrated and explained the
difficulty related to processing the raw material, the manufacturing procedure, and
manufacturing equipment. Finally, the potential for development of Cu2MgSnS4. Where the
focus was on thin films.
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