Evaluation of the toxicity of the aqueous extract of Ganoderma applanatum (Persoon) Patouillard (1889)


  • Gustave Nyamangombe Lohandjola
  • Blanchard Mayele Masasi
  • Paulin Kapepula Mutwale
  • Blaise Mbembo wa Mbembo
  • Franklin Nzembo Mbala




Ganoderma applanatum, traditional use, chemical compounds, Sankuru, Democratic Republic of the Congo.


Plants and fungi, are widely used around the world as a source of traditional medicine and human food. Nowadays, scientists and nutritionists encourage the use of plants and fungi although cases of poisoning are frequently reported. Many countries around the world, including the Democratic Republic of the Congo, use Ganoderma applanatum mushroom for its proven therapeutic virtues. However, the people of Sankuru have often suspected it of being poisonous. The purpose of this work was therefore to verify the supposed toxicity of this mushroom. For this, a chemical screening was carried out on the test tubes containing methanolic and aqueous extracts, followed by a screening by thin layer chromatography in order to detect the presence of secondary metabolites. The aqueous extract was administered to mice at doses ranging from 5000 to1000 mg/kg to assess the toxicity of the G. applanatum sample. Examination of Alanine amino-transferase (ALAT) and Asparate amino-transferase (ASAT) in the blood showed no resistance and no alteration of vital organs (liver and heart) even at the highest dose (5000mg/kg). The results of the chemical screening revealed the presence of various compounds, including alkaloids, terpenes, flavonoids, phenols and others. The administration of the different doses did not cause any lethality to the animals used. The results of this study argue in favor of its safety in the traditional treatment of certain diseases by oral route.


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How to Cite

Lohandjola, G. N. ., Masasi, B. M. ., Paulin Kapepula Mutwale, Mbembo, B. M. wa ., & Mbala , F. N. . (2024). Evaluation of the toxicity of the aqueous extract of Ganoderma applanatum (Persoon) Patouillard (1889). Academic Science Journal, 2(3), 93–118. https://doi.org/10.24237/ASJ.02.03.752E


